Transforming Employee Behavior through Decision Making: A Gamified Approach

  • 19 Mar 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom link provided upon registration
  • 75


  • ATD Nebraska partnership with ATD Central Iowa
  • One-time complimentary registration for non-member student. Must submit verification of enrollment in current semester to


Are you looking for a groundbreaking training solution that can effectively influence employee decision making? Look no further! In this breakout session, participants will explore an innovative training technique that utilizes the power of decision making to generate positive behavior change.

Imagine the excitement and engagement you felt when reading a choose your own adventure book for the first time. You had the opportunity to step into the shoes of the main character and make choices that determined the outcome of the story. This immersive experience is invaluable, and we can harness its power for effective learning.

In this session, we will introduce a digital and revamped choose your own adventure story, specifically tailored to the workplace environment. By utilizing a simple survey tool, participants will navigate through authentic scenarios, making decisions that impact the storyline. This gamified approach to learning provides a simulated experience with multiple decision points, allowing participants to actively engage in the training process.

About the Speaker:

Laura Greet is a Manager of Training Design for Union Pacific Railroad. In this role, Laura designs training solutions to meet customer needs. She specializes in computer-based training, gamification, and evaluation. Laura's approach to training solutions is truly unique as she explores ways to meet learning needs through the innovative use of technology. Laura is highly focused on using tools readily available to employees while discovering new and inventive ways to utilize those tools.

ATD Nebraska, P.O. Box 85793 Lincoln, NE 68501-5793 | (402) 850-6710 |

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